Press Release

Every day world governments are estimated to be spending a billion dollars on combating the alleged menace of Anthropogenic Global Warning. The Australian Government alone is allocating $700 million on research that assumes Anthropogenic Global Warning is both real and menacing.
This is despite the fact that no evidence based due diligence on the so called threat has been done in Australia.
Instead, reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that are largely based on the outputs of flawed computer models are taken at face value.
Living standards and the security of electricity supplies are being compromised all over the world by governments placing restrictions on the generation of electricity using cheap fossil fuels and subsidising intermittent and costly renewables such as wind and solar.
The recent initiative of the Rural Policy Committee of the WA Liberal Party to table a motion at the next party conference to subject the Anthropogenic Global Warning theory to independent scrutiny via a Royal Commission is to be commended.
It is becoming urgent that an independent examination of the evidence as suggested by the Rural Policy Committee is initiated.
Bob Carter will be amongst the key note speakers at the PGA Annual Convention commencing at 8.30am on Saturday November 2 at the Crown Perth.
Bob Carter has published over 100 research papers on climatology, geology, marine biology, palaeoecology and palaeontology.
At the PGA Annual Convention Bob Carter will be presenting scientific observations that have hitherto been ignored.
Find out from Bob Carter the nature of the evidence and the policy implications that flow from only listening to one side of the story. Is CO2 really a pollutant or is its presence in the atmosphere beneficial for all plant life on earth and will a carbon tax really prevent bush fires as many seem to believe??
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