Press Release

PGA Questions Sheepmeat Council’s Stance On Live Trade
The Pastoralists and Graziers’ Association of WA has questioned the Sheepmeat Council of Australia’s consideration to potentially close down the live sheep trade to the Middle East over fears that the live sheep export trade will be the next target for animal welfare activists.
“This suggestion by Sheepmeat Council CEO Ron Cullen that the live sheep trade should be scared of public scrutiny is ludicrous,” PGA Livestock Committee Chairman Digby Stretch said.
“The live sheep export industry is continually the target of animal rights activists,” Mr. Stretch said.
“Ramadan is the peak demand period for live sheep into the Middle East and each year the same footage of Australian sheep being loaded into car boots gets released.”
“This suggestion to ban the live sheep trade is a knee jerk reaction from those members of Sheepmeat Council who are not involved in, or have limited knowledge of the live export industry.”
“It is the live export industry, not the RSPCA, that have for years been involved in working to raise animal welfare standards in other countries.”
“Our industry is able to withstand public scrutiny, especially by those groups who advocate for animal liberation, rather than animal welfare.”
Further enquiries:
Digby Stretch, Chairman PGA Livestock Committee Ph (08) 9833 7521
Media - Sheldon Mumby Ph (08) 9479 4599 Mb: 0427 125 478
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