Press Release

Goodbye 2012 - Hello 2013
From live exports, to wheat marketing, to foreign ownership of rural properties, to land clearing, to pastoral rents, throughout 2012 most West Australian pastoralists and farmers were forced to publicly defend their livelihoods from their elected politicians, environmental groups, government bureaucrats, an increasing detached general public, and even grower groups in the Eastern States - and it looks as though 2013 will be no different.
This assault on producers’ livelihoods from policy makers will take on numerous forms in 2013 - from the continuation of the live export trade, to native vegetation clearing bans, pastoral lease rents, cuts to Native Title funding for respondents, bringing in competition in grain handling, to the development of a new port- and as always, the PGA will be in the forefront fighting for the rights of our members and continuing to be the voice of progressive agriculture in Western Australia.
The key issues that the PGA will continue to pursue in 2013 include:
Ø Implementation of a fair and equitable process to determine pastoral rents that reflects the economic reality of pastoral activities, and security of tenure for pastoral leaseholders, including changes to renewal rights
Ø Re-establishment of the Native Title Respondent Funding Scheme to ensure that pastoral respondents have access to fair and adequate representation in Native Title determinations
Ø Increasing the support from Commonwealth and State Government politicians for the live export trade
Ø Ensuring the State Government honours its contract with James Point Pty Ltd, and ceases its’ opposition to the development of the private port which will facilitate the shifting of live exports out of Fremantle, and the introduction of additional bulk handlers for grain
Ø Reduction in bureaucratic red tape, especially regarding heavy vehicle accreditation and permit systems
Ø Allowing growers to access equity in their own co-operative, and full accountability from the CBH board which will only be achieved through demutualization
Ø The establishment of a review by the State Government on WANDRA eligibility requirements to ensure that primary producers receive the same access to emergency funding as other residents in Western Australia
Ø The development of a fair and independent appeals process for native vegetation clearing permits
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