Press Release
DAFF - 2012 Science & Innovation Awards
Grant applications are now open for the 2012 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. If you’re 18-35, this is your chance to apply for up to $22,000 to fund your project on an innovative or emerging scientific issue to benefit Australia’s primary industries.
The Awards aim to encourage science, innovation and technology in rural industries and help to advance the careers of young scientists through national recognition of their research ideas. Project recipients can undertake groundbreaking research and innovation with the objective of keeping Australia’s rural industries sustainable and profitable. The Awards have already helped more than 150 young Australians make their ideas a reality and showcase their talent to the world.
There are eleven Award categories open for applications: cotton, dairy, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, grains, viticulture and oenology, animal welfare, red meat processing, pork, new and emerging rural industries and horticulture. Each category includes a grant of up to $22,000 for the nominated project.
The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s Award provides an additional $33,000 to one recipient of the industry Awards to extend their project.
Applications in each category Award and the Minister’s Award are assessed by a judging panel of industry representatives, convened by the Award sponsor to assess applications.
For more information go to the website link
Applications close 5pm AEDT Friday 18 November 2011.
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