
FREE - GM Technology Forum, 7 October 2013
The PGA is continuing its efforts to provide up-to-date information on GM technology by hosting a GM Forum in Perth on Monday 7 October commencing at 6pm.
Producers, agronomists, scientists, politicians and consumers are invited to come along and hear how future advances in GM technology are set to revolutionise grain growing in WA.
Please feel free to promote this FREE PUBLIC EVENT – details are in the attached invitation, noting that RSVPs are required as seats are limited.
Members of the media are also invited to attend. Please RSVP your attendance to secure a seat.
Pre-event interviews with these well respected scientists can be arranged by contacting Sheldon Mumby from the PGA on mb 0427 125 478 or email sheldonm@pgaofwa.org.au
Photo : Professor Lyn Beazley
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